
CSC Co., Ltd. is a company specialized for helping customers from coarse particle problem in Cleanroom.


4 Cleanliness Principles

There are 4 Cleanliness Principles that users need to keep the cleanroom clean.
 Do not bring in.
 Do not generate.
 Do not accumulate.
 Remove it immediately.

The target is particles. These are some examples to apply to your cleanroom.

 Do not bring in.
    Take an air shower before entering the cleanroom.

 Do not generate.
   Avoid activities that may generate particles, such as craping hands, tearing paper, etc.
   Avoid machines or tools that generate particles in the critical area. If it is impossible, make the partation, check airflow and particles in cleanroom regularly.

 Do not accumulate.
   Clean the critical area regularly.
   Design layout that is easy to clean and does not accumulate particles.

 Remove immediately.
   Create positive pressure to remove the particles generated in the area
   Use proper cleaning tools to clean the workpieces and area.
