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CSC Co., Ltd. is a company specialized for helping customers from coarse particle problem in Cleanroom.

Visualization of foreign matter (floating, falling, or adhering) and scratches that cause product defects with powerful light!
Polarion Cleanroom Light NP-5

HID light with 35W / 50W (Turbo)
"Polarion Light" is the most high-power handheld light in the CSC cleanroom light series.
Under the right conditions, it is possible to see foreign matter as small as about 10 µm inside the clean room.
It brings up various foreign objects and scratches in the clean room.
Use applications
- To check for floating foreign objects
- To check for adhered foreign matter
- To confirm the completion of cleaning
(1) Capable of visualizing particles down to approximately 10 μm in size

Garbage on the workbench. Enlarged version of the same photo. With the light shining directly on it.
No dust is visible.
After cleaning.

(2) Even "floating foreign objects" in the air are caught!

(3) "Visibility"is also ideal for worker education!
By making invisible foreign substances visible with clean room lights and sharing problem areas, the awareness of all concerned is increased, leading to the introduction and implementation of effective countermeasures.
Polarion lights are useful for sharing visualization, education, and post-cleaning checks because of their powerful light and ability to see a wide area.

Why use a green filter?

Polarion Light usually comes with a "green filter" as a component.

Why the green filter?

In a word, green light is good for the eyes.
The sensitivity of the human visual system varies depending on the wavelength of light, but 555nm is considered to be the most sensitive for bright-light viewing (* the optic nerve is functioning in a bright place).
This wavelength is set as the filter peak of Polarion Light, so it is the most visible. Also, in night vision, it is said to be most sensitive to light at 507nm.

Comparison with UV/UV cut filters
Polarion Light is available with two optional filters in addition to the green filter.

You can use them according to your application.

Green Filter
(Standard accessory)
UV cut filter
(Optional item)
UV Filter
(Optional item)
spectral luminosity

Polarion Clean Room Light NP-5 Set Components

Battery pack
(1) Main body
(2) Shoulder belt
(3) Green filter
(4) Battery pack
(5) AC adapter for battery charging
(6) Stand for charging battery pack

*The following are already installed on the main unit
(7)Lamp bulb
(8) Rear cap for battery

AC Power Supply Kit
(1) Main body
(2) Shoulder belt
(3) Green filter
(4) DC to AC conversion box
(5) Dummy battery (2m)
(6) AC power cord

*The following are already installed on the main unit
(7) Lamp bulb
(8) Rear cap for AC power supply

Optional accessories for Polarion Clean Room Light

Battery specification related

Battery pack AC adapter for battery pack charging Battery pack charging stand Rear cap for battery set

Filter related

Green Filter UV cut filter UV Filter

AC power supply specifications

AC Power Supply Kit Dummy battery (2m) Rear cover of the main unit for AC power supply specification


Lamp Bulbs Hard case
(*AC power supply kit cannot be stored)

Compare with the other Cleanroom Light

Cleanroom Light MiniN
Lightweight and easy-to-carry LED light For checking dust in a small area.

Compact PL Cleanroom UV Light
Compact and lightweight handy type UV light.

Dustfinder L3SQ
It is most suitable for inspecting small plate-shaped workpieces or workpieces with high smoothness and checking for foreign matter.

CSC Co.,Ltd.